Hydro Glow Fishing Lights

Product Description
LED Color: Green
Length: 2 feet
Hydro Glow Fishing Lights are the world’s recognized brand of high quality underwater fishing lights. Our “off the boat“ series of fishing lights are 12vdc, high output LED, virtually unbreakable and made to last. Our underwater fishing lights are easy to use and very effective. Simply lower the light off the side of the boat. When it submerges to the desired depth, just tie or clip the cord on a rail or cleat. Bait fish will be attracted by the underwater lights. Predator fish will usually be deep under the light and a short distance away feeding on the baitfish around the perimeter of the underwater light’s glow. Hydro Glow makes several lengths and colors of our “off the boat” style of underwater fishing lights to meet every need. Each light comes standard with a waterproof connector making it easy to change between alligator clips, accessory plug or 120v to 12v power supply. So, if you’re in the market for high quality underwater fishing lights, Hydro Glow Fishing Lights has your light.